Translated by 그대오는길 @ Cri J
Title: All systems of sortie go! (2010.5.27)
Finally I will make a sally into JKS ASIA TOUR IN JAPAN tomorrow.
I am in the best shape with sleeping more than 10 hours!!!
(I am wakeful since I slept too much)
I am downloading music..
I wanna introduce the World Cup Album by my friend Kurt whom all eels know.
Although we are not the same age, we are of the same mind and he has a good feeling and sense of music.
The first Album, World Cup Special by Kurt who went through a successful Lounge H with Jang Keunsuk!!
You can easily listen the music searcjing BIG BROTHER!!(I call him a elder brother)
As long as many eels listen, I would be able to pester him to give me a song.
Actually I have been already pestering him...kk
By the matter how hard I think, isnt Kurt cooler than Big Brother....?
I have question for you....
If I suggest that Kurt and eels get together and cheer watching World Cup...
Are you going to come?
The title is Lounge H FOR South Africa!
shiro : If only I live in Seoul... T.T
Title: All systems of sortie go! (2010.5.27)
Finally I will make a sally into JKS ASIA TOUR IN JAPAN tomorrow.
I am in the best shape with sleeping more than 10 hours!!!
(I am wakeful since I slept too much)
I am downloading music..
I wanna introduce the World Cup Album by my friend Kurt whom all eels know.
Although we are not the same age, we are of the same mind and he has a good feeling and sense of music.
The first Album, World Cup Special by Kurt who went through a successful Lounge H with Jang Keunsuk!!
You can easily listen the music searcjing BIG BROTHER!!(I call him a elder brother)
As long as many eels listen, I would be able to pester him to give me a song.
Actually I have been already pestering him...kk
By the matter how hard I think, isnt Kurt cooler than Big Brother....?
I have question for you....
If I suggest that Kurt and eels get together and cheer watching World Cup...
Are you going to come?
The title is Lounge H FOR South Africa!
shiro : If only I live in Seoul... T.T
Hi, aq mw nax gmn cara join d official websitex Sukkie? Aq udah coba tp g bs masuk. Knapa aq g bs join d sna?
BalasHapusMohon d jawab y...
1. Buka Internet Explorer (musti kudu pake IE), terus pergi ke hhtp://
BalasHapus2. Di sebelah kanan atas, click di "join/login"
3. Click di "join"
4. Tinggal isi kolom2nya... yg pink, harus isi. Yg abu2 optional. Yg ada tombol check, kudu di-check. Terus di bawah click "join"
Mustinya udah bisa... kalo masih ga bisa, tanya lagi aja ke sini. Pasti ada yg jawabin... ^^
Thx bget y. Aq akhirx bisa jd member. Tp knapa aq msih g bs buka data yg ada di "from.keun-suk"? Trus, d kolom reason untuk secession harus isi apa?
BalasHapusMohon d jawab y.
From.keun-suk hanya buat official member (member yg bayar uang taonan). Non-official member cuma bisa liat judul messagenya aja. Sama juga kaya di bagian data: picture gallery. Cuma bisa liat thumbnail doang, ga bisa liat gambar fullnya.
BalasHapusKalo yg secession jangan diisi... itu untuk berhenti jadi member. ^^
Ooh, gitu toh... Untung aq g isi secessionx. Hehehe =D
BalasHapusThx y.
Hmmmmm. Blog ini udah jd official memberx y? Klo gtu, gmn byar uang taonanx? M'f y byak nax. Aq penasaran n g tau apa2... T.T
Pendaftaran jadi official member udah tutup sejak 20 Feb kemarin. Ntar dibuka lagi akhir taon kayanya, buat pendaftaran 2011... ^^
BalasHapusHehe... ^^
Klo gtu aq liat d blog ini aj deh pesan2x Sukkie. Tp ntar, klo buka tolong ksh tau n tolongin aq y gmn carax... Sedih bgt g bs gabung sekarang. T.T
Km pny fb g?