Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

[Vids] Arirang Showbiz Extra Lounge H

[Pics] Incheon Airport (20-06-2010)

Duh, udah basi banget benernya pics2 ini... tapi mumpung lagi sempet and niat, ya udah deh basi yah basi... :P

Incheon Airport, June 20, 2010 -- Sukkie coming back from HK FM.
Credit as tagged yah... ^^

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

[Pics] Hot Chili Paper Special Edition

Reposted from baidu

May I say... hubba hubba... lol...
This hot chili paper magazines are going to make me bankrupt... :P

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

At Japan ANJell FM

Jang Geun-seok & Park Shin-hye..... Salting Lihat Scene Kissu Mereka
30 Juni 2010

Sabtu lalu adalah hari yang tak terlupakan bagi semua penggemar ANJell, terutama bagi yang berdomisili atau sengaja terbang ke Jepang. Mengapa? Karena itu adalah FM pertama ANJell dengan menampilkan Jang Geun-seok dan Park Shin-hye! Meskipun Lee Hong-ki dan Jung Yong-hwa tidak bisa bergabung, FM ini dilaporkan berlangsung sangat SUKSES !

Acara ini diselenggarakan di CC Lemon Hall di Shibuya, Tokyo, Jepang pada tanggal 26 Juni 2010, di mana banyak fans ANJell yang antusias datang untuk melihat pasangan Hwang Tae-kyung & Go Mi-nam ini.

Di depan fans mereka, baik Park Shin-hye maupun Jang Geun-seok, keduanya membawakan beberapa lagu hits dari OST "You're Beautiful", seperti "Lovely Day", "What Should I do" dan "Good Bye". Mereka juga menunjukkan secara acak klip "You're Beautiful" ke penonton, termasuk adegan Kissu, dan lucunya Jang Geun-seok dan Park Shin-hye menunjukkan reaksi canggung / salah tingkah ketika mereka melihat klip tersebut (suit swiw.........pada deg - degan dech kayanya he4x). Dan untuk membayar ketidakhadiran mereka di FM ini, Jung Yong-hwa dan Lee Hong-ki juga mengirimkan pesan kepada fans mereka pada acara tersebut.

Credit : ANJELLholic
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ANJell FM Sukses!!

FM Pertama Jang Geun-seok & Park Shin-hye.....Sukses !!
29 Juni 2010

Pertemuan penggemar dari pemain drama SBS "You're Beautiful" yang dibintangi Jang Geun-seok dan Park Shin-hye berlangsung dengan sukses di CC Lemon Hall di Shibuya, Tokyo, Jepang pada tanggal 26 Juni 2010. Pertemuan penggemar ini diselenggarakan oleh agen Jepang, Avex, dan diadakan dari pukul 14.00 sampe pukul 18.00. Tiket untuk acara tersebut terjual habis dalam waktu 5 menit setelah rilis pertama.

Perwakilan Avex menyatakan, "Drama 'You're Beautiful' sangat populer di kalangan penggemar muda di Jepang. Bahkan setelah beberapa tahun, masih ada respon panas untuk drama Hallyu".

Saluran khusus Hallyu KNTV adalah saluran yang pertama kali memperkenalkan drama "You're Beautiful" ke Jepang. Setelah menerima tanggapan panas dari fans Jepang, siaran publik Fuji TV dari Hallyu Alpha Summer Festival, menjadwalkan akan mulai menayangkan drama ini pada tanggal 20 Juli 2010, diharapkan menjadi hit besar. Siaran khusus ini akan menampilkan juga drama Korea lainnya ; "Goong / Princess Hours", "You're Beautiful", "My Lovely Samsoon", dan "Coffee Prince" dari bulan Juli sampai September 2010.

Credit : Allkpop & ANJELLholic
Diterjemahkan oleh imoet korea @

Duta Seoul

Jang Geun-seok Jadi Duta Publisitas Seoul
25 Juni 2010

Bintang Hallyu Jang Geun-seok akan menawarkan kekuatan bintangnya untuk membantu mempromosikan pariwisata Korea sebagai pendukung selebriti untuk kampanye "2010-2012 Visit Korea", menurut agensinya Tree J. Company pada hari Kamis.

Tree J menjelaskan dalam siaran pers bahwa sang aktor, yang menghadiri acara "Inspiring Night in Korea" yang diselenggarakan oleh Organisasi Pariwisata Korea (KTO), adalah salah satu dari lima orang yang dipilih untuk kampanye dan menerima liontin dari Lady Pertama Korea (Istri presiden) Kim Yoon-ok di upacara tersebut.

Awal tahun ini, Jang juga ditunjuk oleh KTO sebagai duta publisitas untuk kota Seoul. "Setelah aku menjadi duta besar publisitas untuk Seoul, aku menunjukkan rekaman video dari kota yang indah untuk penggemar luar negeriku selama tur Asia", kata sang aktor seperti dikutip. "Sekarang kupikir aku perlu mempromosikan berbagai tempat di Korea, bukan hanya Seoul".

"Inspiring Night in Korea" yang berlangsung di Changdeokgung Seoul, dihadiri oleh sekitar 1.000 orang termasuk aktor veteran Yoo In-chon, yang kini menjabat sebagai Menteri Kebudayaan, Olahraga dan Pariwisata Korea, dan aktris Choi Ji- woo, yang juga mempromosikan "Smile Campaign".

Credit : Allkoreangossip &
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imoet korea @

"You're Beautiful" Versi Komik

"You're Beautiful" dibikin versi komik film
24 Juni 2010

Drama "You're Beautiful" yang bikin heboh tahun lalu sekarang bakal dibikin dalam versi komik film. Mereka menamakannya "美男 <イケメン> です ね" yang berarti "You're Beautiful".

You're Beautiful vol.1 akan ON SALE pada akhir Juni 2010. Komik ini benar-benar indah karena semua gambarnya akan berwarna penuh. (Tidak diitem-putihin seperti komik biasa). Script Hangeul dipandu oleh terjemahan Kana Jepang.

Dalam komik ini, Anda akan menemukan kata - kata explainations dan info K-Pop, sehingga Anda dapat menikmati drama ini lebih banyak. Ini cocok untuk penggemar Drama, penggemar K-POP & pelajar bahasa. Ini adalah buku yang sempurna! Anda tidak akan menyesal untuk memilikinya.

Untuk informasi, YB Vol.2 diharapkan rilis pada awal Oktober & YB vol.3 dijadwalkan pada awal September 2010.

* Harga: ¥ 1.785

Credit : ANJELLholic
Diterjemahkan oleh imoet korea @

Sosok Fenomenal

Jang Geun-seok... Sosok Fenomenal di Korea & Asia !
23 Juni 2010

Aktor Korea Jang Geun-seok terbukti menjadi kekuatan utama Hallyu saat ia menarik ribuan penggemar di pertemuan penggemarnya di Hong Kong selama akhir pekan, menurut agensinya Tree J. Company pada hari Selasa.

Aktor cute ini telah mengunjungi berbagai negara di Asia sejak Maret 2010, bertemu dengan sekitar 2.000 penggemar di FM kelima berjudul "2010 JANG GEUN SEOK Asia Tour in Hong Kong" pada tanggal 20 Juni 2010, Tree J menjelaskan dalam siaran pers.

Berita kedatangan Jang pada tanggal 17 Juni 2010 mampu membawa keluar kawanan penggemar dan juga wartawan ke Bandara Internasional Hong Kong, sehingga mendorong polisi setempat untuk mengawal sang bintang Korea ke mobil.

Aktor ini menghadiri konferensi pers pada hari Jumat, menjawab pertanyaan dalam bahasa Inggris dan Cina dan menyanyikan lagu "What Should I Do" atas permintaan wartawan, dan bertemu dengan sekitar 2.000 fans yang heboh berteriak minta tanda tangan dalam sesi penandatanganan hari berikutnya.

Pertemuan penggemar ini berlangsung selama dua jam, diadakan pada hari Minggu di Hi Tec Star Hall di Kowloon, Hong Kong, dibuka dengan sesi deejaying (??) dan menampilkan sesi tanya jawab dengan fans serta acara kuis Benar / Salah.

"Ini mungkin sulit dipercaya tapi aku sangat terharu setiap kali bertemu fans dari jauh melalui pertemuan penggemar". Ujar sang aktor seperti dikutip. "Aku sangat terkejut dengan sesi tanda tangan karena aku tidak berpikir bahwa banyak orang akan datang untuk melihatku untuk waktu singkat. Aku sangat menyesal bahwa aku tidak bisa datang lebih sering, tapi kupikir aku membuat kenangan menyenangkan selama aku mengunjungi Hong Kong".

Jang (23 tahun), telah muncul di beberapa drama televisi terkemuka dan juga film termasuk "Beethoven Virus" (MBC, 2008) dan "The Case of Itaewon Homicide" (2009).

Ia menjadi sosok yang fenomenal di Korea dan di seluruh Asia setelah membintangi serial TV yang mencetak hit "Minamishineyo / You're Beautiful" (SBS, 2009), di mana ia memerankan seorang penyanyi eksentrik yang juga leader dari grup idola ANJELL.

Jang akan mengambil bagian dalam festival klub "South Africa in LOUNGE H" yang diselenggarakan, di Seoul Walkerhill Hotel Gayageum Hall tadi malam. Dia bersorak-sorai pada pertandingan sepak bola Piala Dunia 2010 antara Korea Selatan dan Nigeria, yang ditayangkan di Korea awal pagi ini.

Credit : ANJELLholic
Diterjemahkan oleh imoet korea @

Sukkie Akui Dirinya Cakep! ^o^

Jang Geun-seok Akui Dirinya Cakep !!

21 Juni 2010

Jang Guen-seok, aktor yang makin populer pasca membintangi drama korea "You're Beautiful" datang ke Hong Kong untuk menggelar konferensi pers. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia berharap Korea Selatan dapat memenangkan Piala Dunia dan ia ingin mencoba beberapa hidangan Hong Kong di "Po Lan Kwai Square".

Ini adalah kedua kalinya bagi Jang Geun-seok berkunjung ke Hong Kong. Dia mengadakan pertemuan fans / FM pada jam 9 malam (19 Juni 2010), dan menggelar konferensi pers yang menarik banyak penggemar yang rela menunggunya dengan spanduk. Geun-seok melambai ramah dan memberi tanda "V" (peace...he4x) pada media yang mengambil fotonya. Dia memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris dan diikuti oleh kata "HELLO" dalam bahasa Kanton. Dia juga minta maaf selama berada dalam perlindungan keamanan yang over membuatnya tidak dapat menyambut para penggemarnya ketika ia tiba di Hong Kong.

Oya ada bad news juga neh coz Korea Selatan kalah dari Argentina dengan skor 1 : 4 di Piala Dunia. Jang Geun-seok tentu saja mendukung tim negaranya tersebut. Setelah dia dan staf lain membawa kotak makan siang ke kamar hotel, dia langsung mengganti bajunya dengan kaos merah dan menonton pertandingan sepak bola Live. Dia mengatakan bahwa : "Ini bukan hasil akhir. Setelah aku kembali ke Korea Selatan, aku akan mengatur sebuah pesta dengan teman-teman untuk menghibur pertandingan berikutnya Korea Selatan versus Nigeria dan tentu saja aku ingin Korea Selatan menjadi juara".

Dalam drama "You're Beautiful", Jang Geun-seok bertindak sebagai orang keren dan cakep. Dalam kenyataannya, dia emang orang yang sama juga.......keren n cakep he4x. Dia adalah tipe orang yang yang selalu pengen mencapai kesempurnaan. Tujuannya adalah untuk menaklukkan dunia & memiliki sikap positif terhadap kegiatannya di luar negeri.

Selain itu, ia tidak akan menolak untuk merilis album. Geun-seok yang pada dasarnya emang memiliki suara bagus ga ragu buat nyanyiin "What to should I do", sebuah lagu dalam OST "You're Beautiful" tanpa musik di depan umum untuk pertama kalinya.

Ia juga mengungkapkan rahasia tentang rekannya : "Lee Hong-ki terus menyebarkan berita bahwa aku sangat dekat dengannya. Harap jangan berupaya untuk mengatakan tentang itu lagi". Sebelum datang ke Hong Kong dikabarkan bahwa Jang Geun-seok, Lee Hong-ki dan Kim HeeChul Super Junior pergi keluar bersama-sama dan minum alkohol. Geun-seok mengatakan bahwa : "Lee Hong-ki akan menjadi orang yang sangat berbahaya sekali kalo ia mabuk. Crazy Boys! Aku juga". Selain itu Geun-seok juga mengatakan bahwa ibunya sangat menyukai tipe gadis seperti Park Shin-hye, tapi dia tidak menanggapi saat ditanya apakah Park Shin-hye adalah tipe favoritnya atau bukan.

Jang Geun-seok ingin mencoba hidangan yang lebih lokal dari Hong Kong seperti dim sum selama perjalanannya ini, tapi dia tidak bisa makan banyak karena dietnya (lagi diet buat perannya di "You're My Pet"). Dia berkata dalam bahasa Inggris : "Aku ingin pergi ke "Po Lan Kwai Square" malam ini karena malam ini adalah Jumat malam. (emang ada hubungannya ya pergi ke Po Lan Kwai Square sama Jum'at malam ??).

Ketika ia menerima bunga dari pers, ia memuji dirinya dalam bahasa mandarin "Aku sangat Tampan!"......wkwkwkwk narsisnya kumat yaks all, untung beneran cakep. Salah satu fans bahkan membawakan kue untuk menghiburnya. Di antara semua bintang-bintang Hong Kong yang dia kagumi adalah Tony Leung.

Malamnya Jang Geun-seok pergi ke Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui untuk makan makanan barat. Dia menarik lebih dari 100 penggemar yang menunggunya di luar restoran.....wuih diikutin terus ya. Adegan itu merupakan gangguan yang cukup besar, bahkan sampe mendatangkan beberapa polisi untuk meminta para fans pergi dari tempat tersebut. Sementara Geun-seok di restoran, dia berkali-kali membuka tirai untuk mengintip apa yang terjadi di jalanan.

Credit : ANJELLholic
Diterjemahkan oleh imoet korea @

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

[Vids] Swimming Suk

Credit : catsluver @ FC2
Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot

jks asia tour ep5 edit [ブログ]

Jang Keun Suk Message (15-07-2010)

Title : CRI AH ~ !!!

Today, I had a re-run on YAB's DVD....
My feeling was....
Actors are still the brightest shiny ones, when filming, and in their film products.
(But I am not just saying myself.. but the whole group of AN.Jell is shining and BRIGHT!)
At that time, when Jang Keun Suk is much looking forward and excited about latest new pc of work!!
Make a guess, whats Suk's BRIGHTEST piece of work & product nowww?
kekekekekeke ~
Curious not?
This star here, is going to shine brightly in this end product (;

His replies to eels :

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:44:58]
I also want to watch ah!!! (Some eels told him, wanna watch You're My Pet's DVD, so he replied this)

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:45:52]
Ah, I turned on the air-con, its so cold.. ㅠㅠ ayeeee~

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:46:43]
jagermeister & red bull,use bacchusd,go go!!he talking about liquor mixing again -.-)

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:47:29]
이 남이맘!! me too!!(이남이맘 is one of the eels' ID,she told him, 'Keun-Suk ah, i love you!')

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:48:02]
ah, so it is 이난이맘 ah?(Suk typed the wrong ID previously, this is the correct one.)

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:49:04]
aiyaaa, so its 이난이맛。。。keke, whats Noona doing now?? (this Noona said, its ok that he typed wrongly, dont mind being 이난이맛 for him..)

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:51:25]
wooohaaaa, i wanna go sleep now! byebye!

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:52:25]
HAHAHAHA, I am not going now (; woohahahaha ~

psycho_j [2010-07-15 오전 6:56:09]
ah, dont care dont care, I am going to sleep now. BYE BYE ~!!

Translations : Clare
Credit: CRI-J Malaysia / BAIDU
Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot

[Vids-UPDATED] YAB Making Videos

Credit : Yumiko + ThePSHIC @ YT(
Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot

Untuk video yang lain, silakan dilihat di channel YT ThePSHIC
Ato, ke sini dan sini

[Translated] Superstar


It’s been a while since he ended his 2010 JANG KEUN SUK Asia Tour, but Korean heartthrob Jang Keun Suk is still getting a lot of attention from various media and fans. Since March till June, Jang Keun Suk had been meeting fans at different cities, his first stop being Taiwan. Each fan meet (lasting 2 to 3 hours) was packed with endless fun and variety, and Jang Keun Suk’s singing ability was definitely comparable to that of professional singers! Besides his fans, many others are giving thumbs up for his splendid performances, so it is of no surprise that this young charming star is now the hot topic all across Asia! Read on...

(Asia Tour Episode 1) Welcome, Jang Keun Suk!
For every city that he visited, Jang Keun Suk was well-received by the local media, and his news was always on the headlines. TV stations vied with one another to get live coverage on his fan meet and fan signing session, once again confirming his popularity status. Particularly in Taiwan, not only the press conference was attended by the local cable TV stations, magazines and newspapers, but also the media from Japan, China, Hong Kong and many others were also vying for the scoop. From this, one can see how Jang Keun Suk is creating waves across Asia!

(Asia Tour Episode 2) Hallyu star accompanied by the police!
Superstars are always accompanied by the police – Jang Keun Suk is definitely no exception. Whenever he arrives at the airport, a vast crowd of people will wait to welcome him, and the sight is truly amazing. In June, he had to be escorted by dozens of police just so that he could leave the Hong Kong Airport! Wherever he goes, dozens of police had to be mobilized to escort him.

(Asia Tour Episode 3) Special fan service that melts every woman’s heart!
Jang Keun Suk is well-known for being close to his fans – to show his appreciation and love, he prepared different surprises for fans at different cities. During each fan signing session, Jang Keun Suk shook hands sincerely with his fans. At Hong Kong’s fan sign, he even put on a bracelet immediately after a fan handed it to him, moving the girl to tears. In Japan, he greeted his fans affectionately and assisted older fans or those with walking disabilities to enter the event venue. Needless to say, everyone was touched by his sincerity.

(Asia Tour Episode 4) Fan Chase!
During his Asia Tour, Jang Keun Suk was able to visit many cities, each stay ranging from three days to one week. Of course, his stay was “accompanied” by fans who used all sorts of ways to chase his car. Every country has different common modes of star-chasing – in Taiwan, the fans chased with motorbikes, but in Hong Kong, the fans used caravans to surround his car. Jang Keun Suk said jokingly that he didn’t get a chance at all to enjoy the scenery in Hong Kong because his view was always blocked by these tall vehicles. On the other hand, as a form of remembrance, he also brought along his own camera so that he can take pictures of his fans anytime and anywhere. For someone who never fails to promote Korea in every city that he goes to, Jang Keun Suk truly has what it takes to be the new generation of Hallyu Stars.
(TVDaily: Reporter Lee Kyeong Ho)

Picture source:
Translated by Siwonshii, Whogar, Sky9, daily_tofu@soompi
Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot


Indonesian Translation
by ChunRu


Sudah lewat beberapa saat sejak dia mengakhiri Tur Asia Jang Keun Suk 2010, tetapi heartthrob Korea, Jang Keun Suk, masih memperoleh perhatian yang besar dari sejumlah media dan fans. Dari Maret hingga Juni, Jang Keun Suk telah bertemu fans dari kota-kota yang berbeda, tempat penghentian pertamanya adalah Taiwan. Setiap fan meet (berlangsung selama 2-3 jam) dikemas dengan kegembiraan yang tiada henti dan beragam. Dan kemampuan menyanyi Jang Keun Suk tentu saja sebanding dengan penyanyi profesional! Selain fansnya, banyak yang mengacungkan jempol untuk pertunjukan hebatnya, sehingga tidaklah mengejutkan apabila bintang muda yang menawan ini sekarang menjadi topik panas lintas Asia! Read on...

(Tur Asia Episode 1) Selamat datang Jang Keun Suk!
Di setiap kota yang dikunjunginya, Jang Keun Suk mendapatkan sambutan yang baik dari media lokal dan beritanya selalu menjadi headline. Stasiun TV saling bersaing satu sama lain untuk mendapatkan liputan langsung dari fan meet dan sesi fan signing Jang Keun Suk, sekali lagi menunjukkan status popularitasnya. Khususnya di Taiwan, konferensi pers tidak hanya dihadiri oleh Stasiun TV kabel lokal, majalah dan surat kabar, tetapi juga media dari Jepang, China, Hong Kong dan media lain datang meliput. Dari sini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana Jang Keun Suk menciptakan "waves" lintas Asia!

(Tur Asia Episode 2) Hallyu star dikawal oleh polisi!
Superstar selalu dikawal oleh polisi - Jang Keun Suk tentu saja juga tanpa pengecualian. Dimanapun dia tiba di bandara, kerumunan orang banyak akan menunggu untuk menyambutnya, dan pemandangannya benar-benar menakjubkan. Pada bulan Juni, dia harus dikawal oleh lusinan polisi hanya agar dia dapat meninggalkan bandara Hong Kong! Kemanapun dia pergi, lusinan polisi harus dikerahkan untuk mengawalnya.

(Tur Asia Episode 3) Fan service spesial yang melelehkan setiap hati wanita!
Jang Keun Suk dikenal dekat dengan fansnya - untuk menunjukkan apresiasi dan kecintaannya, dia menyiapkan kejutan yang berbeda untuk fans di setiap kota yang berbeda. Dalam tiap sesi fan signing, Jang Keun Suk bersalaman secara tulus dengan fansnya. Di fan sign Hong Kong, dia bahkan langsung menggunakan gelang setelah seorang fans menyerahkannya padanya, membuat gadis itu menangis. Di Jepang, dia menyapa fans setianya dan membantu fans yang lebih tua atau mereka yang tidak mampu berjalan untuk memasuki venue fan meet. Tidak perlu dikatakan lagi, setiap orang tersentuh dengan ketulusannya.

(Tur Asia Episode 3) Pengejaran dari fans!
Selama Tur Asianya, Jang Keun Suk dapat mengunjungi beragam kota, masing-masing sekitar 3 hari sampai 1 minggu. Tentu saja, kunjungannya "disertai" oleh fans yang menggunakan segala cara untuk mengejar mobilnya. Setiap negara memiliki cara "star-chasing" yang berbeda-beda - di Taiwan, fans mengejarnya dengan sepeda motor, tetapi di Hong Kong, fans menggunakan caravans untuk mengepung mobilnya. Sambil bercanda, Jang Keun Suk mengatakan bahwa dia tidak berkesempatan untuk menikmati pemandangan di Hong Kong karena pandangannya terhalang oleh kendaraan-kendaraan tinggi tersebut. Di sisi lain, sebagai kenang-kenangan, dia juga membawa kameranya sehingga dapat mengambil foto para fansnya kapanpun dan dimanapun. Untuk seseorang yang tidak pernah gagal mempromosikan Korea di setiap kota yang dikunjunginya, Jang Keun Suk benar-benar memiliki apa yang dibutuhkan Hallyu Star generasi baru.

[Translated] Transkrip The Living

Transkrip tertulis dari video Part.1 n Part.2 yang udah diposting sama shiro eonni di sini
Transcript by Ladymoon @
Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot




Ha Seok-Jin, Seongbin Lim, Woo Jeong Song, Seungjae Woong , Kurt Jung, Rok Kim, and Jang Keun Suk.

They have been asked about what is “Team H” and what is the objective of “Team H”…
(Because I don’t know them all, so I can’t figure out who is who…???... I’ll use Team H for the others, except JKS, Ha Suk Jin, and Kurt)

JKS : Team H is the group that we gathered since last year. “H” means Hanyang, the name of our university. The objective of “Team H” is to gather a group of HYU Students to hang out together and do advantageous activities, such as festival or annual events.

Ha Suk Jin : At first, Team H don’t have any specific objectives. Just to gather a group of close friends. But later we’d like to do good things and let our friends in the university can join with us, so the idea of university’s festival has came up. Team H also produced the digital project for publicized Seoul City. In the future, we still have more good activities.

JKS : From participating with that project, I became the hospitality ambassador for Seoul City.

Team H : Actually, Team H has no difference from any other clubs. But in our group happened to have 2 celebs, so the media focused their interest to us. And we’d like to use this opportunity to do good things.

JKS : We’ve planning various events now, such as Dream Catcher (???) & Lounge H II.

Team H : That’s right. We’re planning many things. And who knows, in the future we possibly have Lounge H in Thailand. (But…why Kurt shaking his head !!!…hahaha…) Please support and follow up Team H’s activities.

Kurt : Each of us have different career. When we’re gathering, each Team H members have different responsibilities. With this, we don’t waste our spare time.

JKS : Even each of us come from different field and career, but we all have same interest. That’s make us feel so close. It’s not often to find friends from different field can be close friends. Because Seungjae Woong is the Leader of Student, so he can gather friends from different faculties. And we can get a great idea like Lounge H or Dream Catcher.

Team H : We’re brainstorming to do good things like aiding project for leukemia’s children patient . Team H don’t gathering just for fun. But we’d like to be a group that can help our society. I think because we have different career, that’s make us feel closer. We can learn more from each other and can support each other while working.

Kurt : In Korea, there’re many styles of music. But electrohouse is the most popular now.

JKS : (pointing to Ha Suk Jin) He’s also the DJ.

Kurt : Yes, he’s going to be a DJ. He already have name “DJ Huckleberry”…

Ha Suk Jin : (speak in English) I’m more famous…. (all of his friends laughing…^^)



This is the final episode of “The Living” Thailand TV Program with Jang Keun Suk & Team H. Let’s get to know the 7 members of Team H…

Rok Kim
“I’m the economic announcer & reporter of Economy TV Station. I just start this job recently. When I’ve free time, I’ll hang out with my friends.”

Seongbin Lim
“I working as an architect. I design condominium for Hyundai Company. I’m very busy, so I don’t have much free time. When I’m free, I’ll come and meet with my friends.”

Shin Jae Woong
“I’m a student. I study Political Science.”

Kurt Jung
“I’m a producer and a party DJ. I’ll release my own album soon, please support me.”

Ha Suk Jin
“I chose to be an actor (actually he studies engineering). Actually I’m working on drama project now. It’s a korean historical drama (Merchant Kim Man Deok). Luckily, today I don’t have shooting schedule. I heard that in Thailand has on aired “Hello Miss”. I hope Thai fans will have a chance to watch my works again soon. “

Woo Jeong Song
“I’m the 2nd oldest brother in this group. I just graduated last year. Now I work as an engineer at KCC Company. On weekend, I’ll hang out with my friends, Team H.”

Jang Keun Suk
“I debuted as a child star since I was a kid. Last year, my drama series “You’re Beautiful” have got good response from fans all over Asia. Now I have Asia Tour Fan Meeting in Beijing, Hong Kong, Japan, Osaka. I also studying in Department of Theatre and Film. When I have free time, I’ll hang out with my friends, Team H. We creating new good project together or going out for a ride. I’m not sure if “You’re Beautiful” already on air in Thailand (The answer is “no, not yet”^^). Though, please support my works.”



Indonesian Translation
by ChunRu


Ha Seok-Jin, Seongbin Lim, Woo Jeong Song, Seungjae Woong , Kurt Jung, Rok Kim, dan Jang Keun Suk.
(ChunRu : Mereka bertujuh adalah anggota "Team H")

Mereka ditanyai tentang apa itu "Team H" dan apa tujuan dari "Team H"...
(ladymoon : Karena aku ga tau mereka semua, jadi aku ga mengerti siapa ini dan siapa itu...???... Aku akan memakai nama "Team H" untuk yang lainnya, kecuali JKS, Ha Suk Jin, dan Kurt)

JKS : Team H adalah sebuah grup yang kami bentuk sejak tahun lalu. "H" artinya Hanyang, nama universitas kami. Tujuan dari "Team H" adalah untuk mengumpulkan grup dari mahasiswa HYU untuk hang out bersama dan melakukan aktivitas yang bermanfaat, seperti festival atau event tahunan.

Ha Suk Jin : Awalnya, Team H tidak mempunyai tujuan khusus sama sekali. Hanya untuk sekedar berkumpul dengan sekelompok teman dekat. Tetapi kemudian kami ingin melakukan hal-hal yang bermanfaat dan membiarkan teman-teman kami di universitas dapat bergabung dengan kami. Jadi kami membuat ide untuk mengadakan festival universitas. Team H juga memproduksi sebuah proyek digital untuk memperkenalkan kota Seoul. Di masa depan, kami masih punya banyak aktivitas bermanfaat lainnya.

JKS : Dengan berpartisipasi dalam proyek itu, saya menjadi duta hospitality untuk kota Seoul.

Team H : Sebenarnya, Team H tidak memiliki perbedaan dengan club-club lainnya. Akan tetapi grup kami mempunyai 2 orang selebritis, jadinya media menaruh perhatian lebih pada kami. Dan kami menggunakan peluang ini untuk melakukan hal-hal yang bermanfaat.

JKS : Sekarang kami sudah merencanakan bermacam-macam event, seperti Dream Catcher (ladymoon : ???) & Lounge H II.

Team H : Itu betul. Kami sedang merencanakan beberapa hal. Dan siapa tahu, mungkin saja di masa depan kami akan mengadakan Lounge H di Thailand. (ladymoon : Tapi... Kenapa Kurt menggelengkan kepalanya!!!...hahaha...) Tolong dukung dan ikuti kegiatan-kegiatan Team H.

Kurt : Masing-masing dari kami memiliki karir yang berbeda. Ketika kami berkumpul, masing-masing anggota Team H memiliki tanggung jawab yang berbeda. Dengan demikian, kami tidak membuang waktu luang kami.

JKS : Meskipun masing-masing dari kami berasal dari bidang dan karir yang berbeda, tapi kami semua memiliki ketertarikan yang sama. Hal itu membuat kami merasa dekat satu sama lain. Sangat jarang untuk bisa mendapatkan teman dari bidang yang berbeda dan menjadi teman dekat. Karena Seungjae Woong adalah Ketua Mahasiswa, jadi dia dapat mengumpulkan teman-teman dari fakultas yang berbeda. Dan kami akhirnya memperoleh ide seperti Lounge H ataupun Dream Catcher.

Team H : Kami saling bertukar pikiran untuk melakukan hal-hal yang bermanfaat seperti proyek bantuan untuk pasien leukimia anak-anak. Team H tidak hanya berkumpul untuk sekedar bersenang-senang. Tapi kami senang dapat menjadi sebuah grup yang bisa membantu masyarakat. Saya rasa karena kami memiliki karir yang berbeda, sehingga membuat kami merasa lebih dekat. Kami dapat belajar dari yang lainnya dan dapat mendukung satu sama lain ketika bekerja.

Kurt : Di Korea, ada banyak sekali jenis-jenis musik. Tapi jenis "electrohouse" adalah yang paling populer sekarang.

JKS : (menunjuk Ha Suk Jin) Dia juga seorang DJ.

Kurt : Ya, dia akan menjadi seorang DJ. Dia telah memiliki nama "DJ Huckleberry"...

Ha Suk Jin : (Berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris) Aku lebih terkenal... (ladymoon : Semua temannya tertawa..^^)



Ini adalah episode final dari "The Living" Program TV Thailand bersama Jang Keun Suk dan Team H. Mari kita berkenalan dengan 7 anggota Team H...

Rok Kim
"Saya adalah seorang penyiar ekonomi dan reporter dari Stasiun TV Ekonomi. Saya baru saja memulai pekerjaan ini. Ketika saya memiliki waktu luang, saya akan hang out dengan teman-teman."

Seongbin Lim
"Saya bekerja sebagai seorang arsitek. Saya mendesain sebuah condominium untuk Hyundai Company. Saya sangat sibuk, sehingga tidak punya terlalu banyak waktu luang. Ketika saya bebas, saya akan menemui teman-teman saya."

Shin Jae Woong
"Saya seorang mahasiswa. Saya belajar Ilmu Politik."

Kurt Jung
"Saya seorang produser dan Party DJ. Saya akan merilis album sebentar lagi, mohon dukungannya."

Ha Suk Jin
"Saya memilih untuk menjadi seorang aktor (ladymoon : sebenarnya dia belajar teknik). Sebenarnya sekarang saya sedang terlibat dalam sebuah proyek drama, drama historis Korea (Merchant Kim Man Deok). Untung saja, hari ini saya tidak memiliki jadwal shooting. Saya dengar bahwa di Thailand "Hello Miss" sudah ditayangkan. Saya berharap fans Thailand akan segera berkesempatan untuk menonton proyek saya lagi."

Woo Jeong Song
"Saya kakak tertua kedua di grup ini. Saya baru saja lulus tahun lalu. Sekarang saya bekerja sebagai teknisi di perusahaan KCC. Pada akhir minggu, saya akan hang out dengan teman-teman saya, Team H."

Jang Keun Suk
"Saya debut sebagai aktor cilik sejak saya masih anak-anak. Tahun lalu, serial drama saya "You're Beautiful" mendapatkan respon yang bagus dari fans di Asia. Sekarang saya sedang mengadakan Fan Meeting Tur Asia di Beijing, Hong Kong, Japan, Osaka. Saya juga sedang belajar di Jurusan Teater dan Filem. Ketika saya memiliki waktu luang, saya akan hang out dengan teman-teman, Team H. Kami bersama-sama menciptakan proyek baru yang bermanfaat atau berjalan-jalan. Saya tidak yakin apakah "You're Beautiful" sudah ditayangkan di Thailand (ladymoon : jawabannya adalah "Belum, masih belum" ^^). Akan tetapi, mohon dukungannya untuk karya-karya saya."


[Vids] The Living

Credit : raiannee210@YT

Credit : princesslee501@YT

Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot

[Pics] Asian Tour

Foto-foto dibawah ini dishare ama KeunSama di Cyworldnya.. :)
Reposted by shiro401
Foto di bawah aku repost dari lovesears

Di Beijing

Di HongKong

Jang Keun Suk Message (07-07-2010)

ChunRu : Okay, now I'm back ^o^ Sorry udah MIA berhari2..
Untuk postingan pertama kali ini, pesan Suk tanggal 7 Juli. Ada2 aja gayanya Suk n KeunSama.. XD

Title: Whatatata!

Whatatata! at Dong Dong! !
Bing Jian and Zhang Genshuo
(ChunRu : Bing Jian n Zhang Genshuo adalah nama Sukkie n KeunSama dalam bahasa Mandarin)

Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

The Living

Reposted from Raine's YouTube channel

Please credit if reposting!


Title: Exclusive Interview with Team H Part 1 (EngSub)
Program: The Living Special Trip in Korea
Broadcasting Channel: TV5, Thailand
Aired Date: July 10, 2010
Aired Time: 2:40AM

Copyright belongs to Major Creation and TV5 THAILAND
English sub by Raine

Title: Exclusive Interview with Team H Part 2
Program: The Living in Korea Special
Broadcasting Channel: TV5, Thailand
Aired Date: July 17, 2010
Aired Time: 02:40AM

Copyright belongs to Major Creation, Thailand


by ChunRu

“The Living” - Special Trip In Korea Program talking with JKS & Team H
Credit : ladymoon29

“The Living”, TV Program in Thailand will take you to talk with famous korean director, John H. Lee. His latest project is the movie “71-Into The Fire”.

And they’ll take you to meet with Hallyu Star Jang Keun Suk. This time he came with his friends from Hanyang University, Team H.

Don’t miss “The Living” this Friday Night, July 9th at 2.00 A.M. (Thailand Time), on Royal Thai Army Radio and Television Channel 5 ( Stay tuned!!

Pics credit to baidu + as tagged
Reposted from lovesears @ blogspot

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

[Vids] MNet JKS Asia Tour - Waking Up

Credit as tagged
Reposted from baidu


Another link :

Asian tour 4 edit [無料blog]
Credit goes to catsluver @ FC2
Repost from lovesears @ blogspot

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

[Pics] From ANJells Japan

[Pics] Kim Hee Chul's Bday

Reposted from Kim Hee Chul's twitter 100710

Hot Chili Paper 59 Interview

Korean-Chinese by Suk Baidu Bar
Chinese-English by Gracelwf, Xene, Siwonshii, Whogar, chinyee, Sky9, dailytofu


Q: Let us start with the drama (The Reign of Women 여인천하) that you starred in during your childhood years? (Note: "The Reign of Women" is also known as “Ladies of the Palace”)
A: At that time I was 15 years old, but I was still a child actor at that time, I don’t think I can introduce myself with the particular work. I started becoming a model when I was around 6 years old and I debuted as a child actor when I appeared on television in the 1997 drama ‘Happiness for Sale’.

Q: Do you still remember the scenes during the filming?
A: In (The Reign of Women), whether it was the day I wore hanbok during filming on a snowy day or the time I fell down in the village… I remember all of them, my memory is very good. I still remember, there was a scene where the young Nan Jung was carrying a jar, and I was supposed to throw a stone at the jar to break it, but because I missed, it hit the kid’s face instead.

Q: Were you afraid of the adults at the filming site? (The Reign of Women)
A: Yes I was afraid of them (laughs). I cried a lot of times at the filming site. The filming site is also a part of the community, although the adults around me say that I’m cute, and treat me very kindly. On the other hand, I am a child actor - as an actor, there are certain things one cannot do. But when I was young I didn't know that, I just played happily with the older boys because I was so excited about the props at the filming site. So when the adults scolded me, ‘How can you not read your script yet?’, I cried a lot of times. Since acting in (Happiness for Sale), I always travel to the filming site by myself. Taking the bus and subway… my parents has never accompanied me to the filming sites, not even once.

Q: Only by yourself?
A: A child actor does not have a manager (laughs). Besides that, my mother is the type who won’t accompany me to filming sites, I’m grateful to her when she did that. Hating to ask the staff at the filming site, “Please take care of my son.”, my mother wanted me to become strong, so that no matter what problems I face, I would not just cry away only…. Of course, I did cry at the time, now I can withstand all sorts of challenges.

Q: What were the changes after acting in the 2002 (The Great Ambition) and (The Reign of Women)?
A: Since then, I started to have managers. That was because after I filmed a CF for a mobile communications company, people began to know me….. But, I myself did not change. Even though I have the passion of acting since young, I did not plan my future at all, when I grow older, I might have other dreams and ambitions.

Q: After that, your next drama was (Orange), am I right?
A: Actually, (Orange) was filmed earlier than (The Great Ambition). In my memory, I can only recall the heat (laughs). The filming was done during summer, there were a lot of swimming scenes, and in each episode we played happily while filming. The shooting took 3 months, besides that, I don’t have more memories of them. I was 16 years old then, the year after that I went to study abroad.
As a child actor, Jang Keun Suk was active, among his fans he was popular when he was young. The opportunity to become a child actor came when he was in kindergarten, he followed the suggestion of his teacher, and endorsed a children’s clothing line. After that he starred in several commercial films, and instantly began to embark on the road of acting… even when the filming coincided with school, filming dramas and etc, the thought of becoming a real actor did not cross his mind.
But when his mother looked at him, “If he does not focus on studying now…..”, she felt worried.

Q: Was New Zealand the place where you studied abroad?
A: Yes, before I graduated from junior high school, my mother said to me, “If you don’t study now, your studies will be delayed until I don’t know when.” During that time, I was already famous, so I could not live a normal life in school. My mother said, “Go out to study what you want to study.” So I went to New Zealand with my mother.

Q: Is your mother fluent in English?
A: No, she does not speak English at all. (Laughs) My mother and I went to a language center to learn. Unable to speak English, her choice of living with me abroad for one year was not easy. My mother is a woman to be respected.

Q: What did you gain while living in New Zealand?
A: Yes, that is - even when I’m standing before a foreigner, I won’t get nervous. When a foreigner, especially Europeans and Americans walks towards you, “what should I say, what to do….”, the people who feel afraid and run away are many. Although I’m not fluent in English, how should I explain this, that is - I won’t feel nervous even when I’m standing before a foreigner. I would greet them friendly, for example, if someone asks for directions, I can point out the directions very well, I gained this confidence when I was in New Zealand.

Q: After studying abroad you starred in the youth sitcom (Nonstop 4) when you were 17 years old as a ‘medical student who is conscious to the latest trends’. I heard that you have your own kind of creativity.
A: When I met the director for the first time, I said to him, “I would like to act, I wanted to be a doctor since young, and I like to play the role of a fun-loving medical student.” There was really a medical student role in the script, I was surprised. Because (Nonstop 4) is a situation comedy (sitcom), although there are stories and touching moments, it must be able to make the audience laugh. If I think like this, I still have to accept a lot of challenges. Being able to make up the latest slangs, and do fitting actions when saying my lines. Because I felt that everything was new, I myself tried a lot of different actions during acting, so if the audience respond was good, I would come up with another scene of my own.

Q: After (Nonstop 4), you acted in (Lovers in Prague) without your father’s permission – kinda like a high school kid that loves to rebel huh?
A: I wanted to present a side of me that was different from (Nonstop 4). Back then, the drama shooting happened to clash with the university entrance exam, so I was quite worried about the results. Luckily, the exam was successful and (<
After that, we told him “Now we’re going to ask you questions regarding (Doremifasolasido)…”, and he said “Ah…this too???” (gives an uneasy expression). He even said that out of all his works to date, this is the only one that he never wishes to see or to be blunt, will never watch.

Q : Did something happen while you were shooting (Doremifasolasido)?
A: Frankly speaking, (Doremi) and (Baby and Me) – they weren’t the movies that I acted in because I wanted to. I’m sorry for being so direct (laughs) but it’s the truth.

Q: You mean you can’t reject them?
A: Back then, I already signed a contract with the company to shoot the movie, so I couldn’t go back on my word. If I don’t like something, I wouldn’t want to do it – that’s the kind of character I have! And I don’t like to dictate… Even if I put in my best to portray that character, I also can’t predict whether that movie will be successful or not. Right after I finished the shooting, they (his company) approached a tired me, saying: “This is your next movie…” and passed me the movie script – that made me even more stressed.
Hence, I really couldn’t concentrate fully on the set, so I lamented to my manager “Why am I here???” – That’s how I felt when I did that movie…

Q: Did the shooting go on smoothly then?
A: Something else happened (laughs). Halfway through the shooting, the investors stopped investing, so the shooting couldn’t continue. So I went on to act in “Hwang Jini”, “Hong Gil Dong” and “The Happy Life”…2 years later, I actually got a phone call saying that I have to shoot “Doremi” again, that I must finish it no matter what. I was like “Why???” – Even though I couldn’t totally understand, I still had to accept and shoot the movie; such situations are very common in Korea.

Q: Didn’t you find the storyline interesting? Was (Doremifasolasido) really not to your liking?
A: By just looking at the script, it wasn’t that bad. However, just like building a house, even if the foundation is good, it doesn’t mean that the house will be built to perfection. The same logic goes for movies and dramas. Besides the script, the actors, director, camera crew and all – to produce a good show, everything must be a perfect combination. Through this, I felt that I must always protect myself properly and make myself stronger. Although I really didn’t want to do the movie, if only I tried putting in a little bit more passion into it, maybe things would have been different. Because at the end of the day, my name would still appear with the movie. Whenever I thought of that, I felt it was a pity.

Q: Was (One Missed Call) a movie that you took up after you sorted things out?
A: Haha, yes it is (laughs). I was 19 or 20 then - that’s when I heard they were searching for an actor around this age – soon after, I received notice to go for the audition. During that period, I actually had no job offers. Those actors whom I acted previously with in (Nonstop 4) were all very active… “One Missed Call” was what I got while searching for audition opportunities…

Q: Do you still keep in contact with your co-stars Maki Horikita and Meisa Kuroki?
A: No. I was not very close with them while I was shooting the movie. I’m the type who doesn’t exchange numbers with my co-stars. Even without exchanging numbers, we can still communicate to a certain extent while being respectful of one another. If we become close and meet up for drinks etc, then it will be hard to maintain the professionalism…
That’s why I am not close friends with any female stars – ah, that is, besides Kim Hee Chul. (laughs)

Q: Maki and Meisa are very popular now…
A: From their point of view, to me, (One Missed Call) and (Doremi) are the same…

Q: Is there a possibility for shooting a Japanese movie again?
A: Of course, I would consider it. The script is most important when it comes to choosing my next project, but it’s also as important for me to have the “I really want to act this role” type of feeling. If I really like the project, I will shoot it without hesitation even if it is a comedy. Ah… yes! I’ve long heard that I’m the type of guy that the Japanese like – ah, then why am I still not Bae Yong Jun? (laughs)

Q: Emm.. Your goal is to become him??? But your styles are very different…
A: No, no…I don’t want to become him - hmmn, is it weird for me to say that? I am definitely not trying to put him down… (laughs) What I meant is I wish to be as well-known and popular….

Q: Compared to other Korean actors, Jang Keun Suk belongs to the slimmer body built. Do you plan on becoming “muscle man” in the future?
: If that’s the case, I would be able to wear the fashionable clothes which I like (laugh).
Every actor has different thoughts about body built. For me, I don’t want to swell with muscles as I don’t like to exercise! Recently, it’s because I had to prepare for the filming of the movie (You’re My Pet) that I took up exercise to fit into the role but ballet is the main focus. I took up jogging and cycling as well. In this sense, I don’t think I will become “muscle man”
In 2006, Jang Keun Suk finally met the role he was destined for and that is (Hwang Jin Yi).
In (Hwang Jin Yi), he acted as Ha Ji Won’s (Hwang Jin Yi) first lover Eun Ho. They adore each other, but their love ends in tragedy due to their gap in social status. At that time, South Koreans had different opinions about this role – they worry about the age gap between Keun Suk and Ji Won, and there were a lot of criticisms on his acting skills.

Q: How do you feel about people’s opinion of this role?
A: To me, this role was a wall which I had to breakthrough.
People were thinking why Ha Ji Won was paired with Jang Keun Suk. But I feel that they can say all they want but I will subvert their opinion of me; I will show them! Compared to now, I was more hot blooded, young and crazy then (laughs) But it’s because of this enthusiasm which allowed me to put myself fully into the role of Eun Ho.

Q: How did you get into the grieving role of Kim Eun Ho?
A:The truth is, I just brokeup with a girl whom I really liked. She’s the one who initiated the breakup. I didn’t comprehend her intentions for breaking up and kept apologizing to her but even so, she did not relent. I waited in front of her house but all I got from her was “Do not wait for me”… I even wrote a letter to her everyday but she told me to stop it. I had unintentionally suggested that we break up during our fight over some trivial matters and that was the cause of our break up. I was willful and selfish.
Even till now, I have wondered if we can still stay together. I liked her a lot and can’t live without her… but she left me. I was heart-broken. For a month, I did not go out nor eat well. I was cooped up in my house. I lost a lot of weight and became very thin. I did not have any energy. It was in this painful period that I received the (Hwang Jin Yi) script. “All this will be my story. I have to interpret it properly.”

Q: During the filming, did you feel sad when you thought about the girl?
A: I had this feeling not as Eun Ho but rather when Eun Ho became me. I only wanted to cry during that period as it was very painful. I even secretly cried in my car when reading the script as I saw my girl’s face in Ha Ji Won unni’s face. Although I want to do more for my girlfriend still, that dream will never materialize. My heart and Eun Ho’s heart are on the same page. After the end of the shooting, It took me awhile before I found myself again.

Q:It was painful, ... but as an actor…
A: Although it’s very cruel, but we can say that my sorrow helped my acting skills a lot.

Q: The marriage proposal scene is very romantic. Do you prefer romantic also?
A:To be exact, I like to create romantic gesture. For the sake of H.C.P readers, I will narrate a few childish stories (laughs) I have put a lot of balloons and an ‘I LOVE U’ banner inside the car trunk, so that they will fly out from of the trunk when it was opened. I have also tried writing a letter in a diary everyday for three months and gave it as a gift during our anniversary. But the most romantic of all was taking her out for a ride in a limousine which I had rented.

Q: Limousine? It must be very expensive!
A:It’s not as expensive as you think! It is only 200,000 won (around 1100RMB) and the car came with a driver. (laughs). I borrowed the limousine for two hours and we drove around the Han River. We even drank red wine inside the car.

Q: Do you like this side of you which keeps doing romantic gestures/actions? If not, was it because you like to watch the other party’s reaction?
A: En~ I like to do various planning. I feel proud to be putting in great efforts for my girlfriend. I think it’s very cool to show her that I love her through actions and not just words only.

Q: What other [Romantic] gesture would you like to try?
A: Because I am an actor, and I have great confidence in my video editing skill. So firstly, I’ll book the entire theatre and play my own video. Then the both of us will eat popcorn and watch the video together. It will certainly be very happy! But to do this, I’ll need a considerable budget. Ah~ I don’t have that much money (laughs)

Q: Looking back, what was the significance of (Hwang Jin Yi) to Jang Keun Suk?
A: (Hwang Jin Yi) is my starting point as an actor. My dream is to be an actor and (Hwang Jin Yi) made me realized what qualities are needed by actors. Because of my experience in past relationships, I treated (Hwang Jin Yi) as my story and not other people’s. This is the first time using my past experience to ease into a role. From then on, my whole attitude and thinking towards everything has changed. Till now, no matter where I go, I’m always accompanied by my managers. If I say I’m hungry, they will prepare food for me. They will also book my appointments at the hair salon. I want to take care of things myself. This is because if a person is caged up, how can he claim to have acting ability? It will be no different from reading from the script if I have to act out something which I have not experienced before.
During the Lounge H activity at HanYang university, I personally contacted the sponsors. I wrote the sales proposal myself and got the school’s approval. To the extent that I will call and compensate anyone who had lost their items. I learned a lot of new things by doing all these. It’s not my manager who lived on my behalf, and it’s not my parents who closed the curtains to hide me away but it’s myself who goes out to look for activities. This is a breakthrough which will be helpful in my acting career.

Q:Through (Hwang Jin Yi), you realized the importance of experience.
A: Yes! I realized how importance experience is. That’s why I don’t really like managers. (laughs) Because they are always thinking of doing things on my behalf. Today’s interview is an exception. I would prefer to do everything myself in my normal daily activities.

Q: Was (Happy Life) the same as (Hwang Jin Yi), where an actor can learn many things? My deepest impression was that you mentioned in a previous interview that it was the turning point in your life.
A: What I had felt from filming (Hwang Jin Yi) is that “Managers cannot live my life for me.” Obviously the seniors with whom I have acted together knew about that. Seeing them going to the convenience stores and sitting in front of the stores chatting till 4am, I had thought to myself “I would like to try that too”. If I were to follow the wishes of my fans and the people around me to be cooped up in a bird cage, I’m afraid it’s not possible. I want to be a bird which flies out of the cage and not be contained. Absolutely do not want to be contained.

Q: After (Hwang Jin Yi), you acted in another drama called (Hong Gil Dong) as the revenge-seeking Chang Hui. Accordingly to you, this is your first time experiencing being an idol (smile)
A: Not only was there a conflict with the filming of (Baby and Me), there were also 7 advertisement offers at the same time. It was extremely tiring. However, even under such circumstances, I still insist and want to act the role of Chang Hui well.

Q: What were your thoughts when you were acting as Chang Hui?
A : The drama series is interesting and filled with life. Except for my role as Chang Hui , a terrible character which seems to deviate from the mood of the show. When we just started shooting, I I panicked a bit. However, during filming, I talked to Brother Ji Hwan and other actors during the filming, we can find the same feeling (an understanding).
Just the filming alone is an endless pain (laughs). The main reason is that we had to stay in the mountain for the filming – it was very cold. It has come to a point where I developed hatred towards it. In addition, it was away from Seoul and I can only go home once every two weeks. When we are rushed for time, I only can manage a bath and had to go back to the filming ground immediately. If we continue living like this, our mood will become very bad. It’s not just only me, even the workers and other actors are becoming more quick-tempered. If this continues, the atmosphere will become very somber. So it was under that kind of situation that we successfully wrap up the filming.

Q:After that you went on to the drama (Beethoven Virus).
A:After filming (Hong Gil Dong) and (Baby and Me), I went on a 2-month holiday trip in Europe. Before my trip, I told my manager, “If you give me a script during the holiday, I will immediately tear it up and even burn it!” (laugh). Whatever the case, I did not want to discuss about work for the time being. As mentioned just now, the Japan schedule is very tight, I was exhausted, my body had grown weaker and I was mentally exhausted. I remembered saying, “I’m not sure if I want to go back to Korea anymore. Don’t come and bother me”…
But sure enough, the manager started to email me scripts (laughs). I was on vacation in Germany at that time and I was agonizing whether I should delete the emails before I read it. “Maybe this is the time to slowly decide my next work…” was what changed my thinking. So I didn’t delete the emails and ended up reading the script. I was very keen on it once I read it and after finishing the two chapters, I called my company to say, “I want to act”.

Q: Which part of the drama that attracted you?
A: I will be playing trumpet, moreover it will be directed by Lee Jae Gyu whom is well known for his aesthetic works in (Damo). Other than that, Senior Kim Myung Min will also play a part. I can learn directly from these seniors. Senior Lee Soon Jae also played a part, so to me, this work to me is very important.

Q: What is your impression towards Senior Kim Myung Min?
A: He asks for perfection in everything, but he’s not like like Kang Gun Woo who is overly stubborn. (Laughs) I was the last to be finalized for the role in the drama, because I was lagging behind and and I also didn’t want to make the seniors feel unhappy, so I put in extra effort.
There will be trouble if I didn’t take charge of my trumpet. But unlike other works, I wasn’t suffering at all. During shooting, I didn’t feel anxious at all. Regardless of how tight the schedule was or busy to the point of not getting enough time to sleep, not only me, but everyone was very happy to get into shooting. This was really strange.

Q: Did everyone get along well during filming?
A: Maybe it was because the theme was regarding music. During the concert filming, fellow actors’ mindset was linked together through music. Discord notes turned slowly into harmony during the play. Although it was only acting but after the concert ends, I was really moved to tears.

Q: Don’t you regret rejecting the invitation of (Boys Over Flowers) and choose (Beethoven Virus) instead?
A: Ah haha.. (Laughs) I think I made a very good choice. Besides, what i might have received from (Boys of Flower), I got it through (You’re Beautiful).

Q: The script for (You’re Beautiful) is written by (Hong Gil Dong)‘s Hong’s Sister right?
A: I heard that the sisters were thinking of me while writing the script. After reading the script, although it was only the draft but my mind had started a fresh image. Through this drama, I felt that only the 23-years-old-me can bring out the cuteness and freshness, so I happily agreed to play in this drama. But there are also a lot of problems in this drama. (Laughs) During the shooting, the production company was changed several times. The two producers worried that, “If Keun Suk also gives up, what are we going to do?”
I said: “Don’t worry. When I saw the script, I already started to analyze the role. Contact me once the filming date is confirmed.” After going through all these problems, the filming finally started in August.

Q: Many said that Tae Kyung‘s excessive concerns of cleanliness and vicious words resemble Kim Myung Min’s role as Kang Gun Woo (Beethoven Virus).
A: Whenever I heard this statement, if I say I didn’t feel any pressure at all, it would be a lie, because of Tae Kyung’s line is over self-centered. Actually at the beginning, I thought of using Kang Gun Woo as a reference but I gave up immediately. I drew it from Editor Miranda from (The Devil Wears Prada).

Q: Have you finished watching (You’re Beautiful)?
A: Yes, the day I got the DVD I called to confirm. There wasn’t any regret, only felt that it was a pity the filming was rushed, it happened many times that the script was completed in the morning of the filming day. And when the filming was supposed to start, the script hadn't reached our hands yet
It was under these circumstances, all the actors and crew persevered to the end.

Q: What do you think regarding the airing time being the same as (IRIS)?
A: I didn’t feel it was a loss to be aired at the same time because I would watch (IRIS) rerun on weekend too. Only felt that it didn’t have the luck for a battle.

Q: Is your character the same as Tae Kyung?
A: Hmm.. How do I say this? Always a perfectionist at work and can’t tolerate any mistake at all. But once I finished work, I will show appreciation to my Manager and Office Staffs, “Although I am strict, in order not to fall into the last, we pulled through together.” I will also prepare gifts. But when I go back to work, I can be so sensitive to the extent where you can’t even touch me. I am this kind of character.

Q: To be exact, who is “Tae Kyung” to you?
A: A role that allows the 20 odd years old me to shine, the character which resembles Jang Keun Suk the most.
Stepping out of Tae Kyung character was painful, but Jang Keun Suk gradually did it. Currently, he is preparing his brand new image for his next movie (You’re My Pet) everyday.
“I guess you all might think that I must be playing around whenever you don’t see me on television, but the fact is everyday…. Everyday, at a place where you can’t see me, I am learning seriously to improve myself.”
He left this sentence and leaves the studio as he has an English lesson to attend.
Jang Keun Suk who is determined to change himself to act the role, he made this promise, “In the next work, I will show everyone a brand new side of me.”