*grins at suka* My feeling was right last night!
He really went and left a message... although not the kind of message I want to see him ever wrote again... >.<
Translated by Muse @ Cri J
Title : ...
When I ask you to stop taking a photo, PLEASE do not take it..
If you do.....
I might not go out of my house not to shoot by anyone forever and ever.....
I"m begging you..
Please do not make me a bad jerk...
* Here comes another translation from CriJ Staff
Please, please, please.... don"t take photos when I say not to.
If you keep doing this,
Maybe I"ll never come outside, then I"ll never be in your photos, ever....
Don"t make me a bad person..
I"ll tell you what happened yesterday.. He opened LoungeH club in Hanyang Univ yesterday.. And a lot of fans came and took his photo and video.. He was asking to stop taking it, but some of them kept shooting. The area was UNIVERSITY.. He is just a student in there.. We need to protect his private life.. Let"s keep his life safely... Today.. LoungeH will be opened at night, again.. Every fans.. Please just watch and enjoy his smiling and dancing and cheering through your beautiful eyes.. Please do not watch him through your camera lens just like a paparazzi!!!
And yet another message from Muse at jks.net
Attention please... The mp3 of "Magic Drag" was released yesterday, and now, the illegal MP3 is already spreaded everywhere. It is illegal to upload the MP3 freely. You can upload the official data published by yepp site, please do not upload the MP3... And in addition, aviod from uploading photo or fan cam about his loungeH. He is going through a hard situation, let's keep his private life safe. Muse
Remember when he said he was afraid he would lose himself for facing camera more than people's eyes? So fellow eels, let's observe his wish and do as he wants, ok? Give him space to be himself. We don't want to turn him into a recluse who just stays in his room... ^^;;
He really went and left a message... although not the kind of message I want to see him ever wrote again... >.<
Translated by Muse @ Cri J
Title : ...
When I ask you to stop taking a photo, PLEASE do not take it..
If you do.....
I might not go out of my house not to shoot by anyone forever and ever.....
I"m begging you..
Please do not make me a bad jerk...
* Here comes another translation from CriJ Staff
Please, please, please.... don"t take photos when I say not to.
If you keep doing this,
Maybe I"ll never come outside, then I"ll never be in your photos, ever....
Don"t make me a bad person..
I"ll tell you what happened yesterday.. He opened LoungeH club in Hanyang Univ yesterday.. And a lot of fans came and took his photo and video.. He was asking to stop taking it, but some of them kept shooting. The area was UNIVERSITY.. He is just a student in there.. We need to protect his private life.. Let"s keep his life safely... Today.. LoungeH will be opened at night, again.. Every fans.. Please just watch and enjoy his smiling and dancing and cheering through your beautiful eyes.. Please do not watch him through your camera lens just like a paparazzi!!!
And yet another message from Muse at jks.net
Attention please... The mp3 of "Magic Drag" was released yesterday, and now, the illegal MP3 is already spreaded everywhere. It is illegal to upload the MP3 freely. You can upload the official data published by yepp site, please do not upload the MP3... And in addition, aviod from uploading photo or fan cam about his loungeH. He is going through a hard situation, let's keep his private life safe. Muse
Remember when he said he was afraid he would lose himself for facing camera more than people's eyes? So fellow eels, let's observe his wish and do as he wants, ok? Give him space to be himself. We don't want to turn him into a recluse who just stays in his room... ^^;;
BalasHapusSedih pas baca message ini..
@shiro: Somehow, gw happy karena dia akhirnya online (padahal gw dah tepar nungguin dia hahaha), disisi laen, jadi sedih lagi baca pesannya :(
BalasHapusI know... gw sampe rasanya gimanaaa gitu waktu baca.
BalasHapusMula2 seneng liat pesennya (lumayan juga ini instinct jadi terasah dalam hal sukkie2an... hahaha...) tapi gitu baca dari mbah google, haduh sedihnya.
Moga2 orang2 ngerti deh dia mau sebisa mungkin pisahin profesinya sebagai mahasiswa dan selebrity...
okay..now I found Indonesian Eel here..haloo everyone here..salam Kenal..semua di sini ada di Jang KeunSuk Official website? feel so lonely there..if anybody join there plz tell me who?
BalasHapusBeneran jd ikut bingung baca message Keunsuk hari ini, soalnya di satu sisi aku suka liat foto dia yg ngak resmi gitu tapi di sisi lain aku jg ngerti perasaan dia yg being annoyed his private life is being published..bener2 bikin bingung deh
Sweet : hai.. ^^ Di sini yang jadi offcial member, shiro n sukageunsuk :)
BalasHapusHi salam kenal and welcome! :)
Blog ini bukan official website karena kayaknya emang belum ada tuh CriJ Indonesia tapi kami saling berbagi berita mengenai Sukkie disini. Kalo mo gabung silahkan ^^
Mengenai psan terbaru,well, emang dilemma deh...Tapi mau ga mau ya kami harus menghapus semua postingan yang tidak berhubungan dengan kegiatan keselebritisan Sukkie disini. Hal yang sama juga sudah pernah kami post di blog ini mengenai sentilan dari Muse (CriJ rep) tentang permintaan untuk tidak memuat foto-foto pribadi sukkie. Well, smeoga aja semua IJs ngerti dan bisa memaham ^^. Maap kalo panjang hehe...
Again, welcome Sweet_rintje ^^
Sering2 mampir ya...
I agree. Lets respect what oppa Jang Geun Suk wants. He just need a bit of privacy and lets give him that:)
BalasHapusmmmm sedih bacanya ... TT___TT
BalasHapusjadi inget message sukkie yg sebelumnya .. lupa tanggal berapa .. yg sukkie bilang dia pengen bisa jalan kemana pun dengan bebas tanpa ada jepretan kamera.
Mudah2an eels yg laen mau ngertiin sukkie
jangan sampe sukkie ga mau keluar rumah ... >.<
sabar mas sukky...
BalasHapusckckckck........ eels korea jangan buat sukky marah donk!!!
nanti kalo sukky ngambek dan gak mau di foto lagi gimana ayo....
bisa stress para eels sedunia.....
Yg bikin Sukkie marah bukan Korean eels kayanya nih, soalnya biasanya Korean eels banget2 protectivenya ke Sukkie. Banyak dari mereka yg udah ikutin Sukkie sejak dia kecil sampe sekarang. Mungkin orang Korea biasa yg bukan eels ato dari negara lain. Tapi yg namanya eels mah biasanya nurut kalo Sukkie bilang apa... ^^
BalasHapusSetuju ama shiro onnie.. Eels pasti nurutin kata suk.. Secara, suk kan king of eels?? Kalo eels ga nurut, bisa dipecat tuh.. hahaha ^o^