Artikel dari allkpop tanggal 27 September 2009.
Aside from his stream of successes, actor Jang Geun Suk still leads on in his educational side of his life. With his new drama "You're Beautiful" as well as his latest film "Murder of Lee Tae Won," the 22 year-old enjoys his campus life; studying hard and being one with other University students. He recently agreed to answer 12 questions in-school.
1. I heard the famous acting teacher Choi Hyung-In from Hanyang University praised you for your acting?
1. I heard the famous acting teacher Choi Hyung-In from Hanyang University praised you for your acting?
Yes he did. He saw me in "Hwang Ji-Yi" and his praises bloomed from then on. He even offered me a part in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
2. You said that you loved clubbing but you stopped. Why?
I quit clubbing, but in return, I was given a "private place." I hang out with my friends and party there. And besides, I don't really like meeting people at crowded, loud places. But who knows, I might go clubbing again.
I quit clubbing, but in return, I was given a "private place." I hang out with my friends and party there. And besides, I don't really like meeting people at crowded, loud places. But who knows, I might go clubbing again.
3. What's your blood type?
I'm an A. I guess that's why I'm so timid. When someone tells me something rude or hurtful, even when it's light or jokeful, I tend to hold on to that for a long time. Before I started dieting, I got a comment saying "Are you going to be a piggy idol?" That comment still lingers around my head. Also I'm the type that loses weight fast, then gains it all again.
I'm an A. I guess that's why I'm so timid. When someone tells me something rude or hurtful, even when it's light or jokeful, I tend to hold on to that for a long time. Before I started dieting, I got a comment saying "Are you going to be a piggy idol?" That comment still lingers around my head. Also I'm the type that loses weight fast, then gains it all again.
4. There's been competition between "You're Beautiful" and "Iris"
When "Beethoven Virus" was airing, it was always sided with "Kingdom of Wind" and "The Painter of Wind." I'm looking forward to "Iris," but I'm not that worried about it. I have confidence in "You're Beautiful."
When "Beethoven Virus" was airing, it was always sided with "Kingdom of Wind" and "The Painter of Wind." I'm looking forward to "Iris," but I'm not that worried about it. I have confidence in "You're Beautiful."
5. Your lines in "Murder of Lee Tae Won" were 99% English, and they were fantastic! Did you feel any burden with the English lines? You could go into Hollywood movies.
A Hollywood career would be nice. But right now, there are so many flaws I have yet to fix. As for the English lines... well before shooting, I was nearly shaking in fear. I wanted to get it perfect, but I didn't have much confidence. The character I'm playing is part Mexican so I had to do it well. And because I enjoyed reading the script so much, I knew I had to do it and I hated to think that someone else were to play this part.
A Hollywood career would be nice. But right now, there are so many flaws I have yet to fix. As for the English lines... well before shooting, I was nearly shaking in fear. I wanted to get it perfect, but I didn't have much confidence. The character I'm playing is part Mexican so I had to do it well. And because I enjoyed reading the script so much, I knew I had to do it and I hated to think that someone else were to play this part.
6. "Murder of Lee Tae Won" was a low-budget film, wasn't it?
Yes. And because of that we were all payed very little. But it was a good opportunity for me to try new things and prove myself that I can play all kinds of roles. As an actor, I think that was the biggest hit for me.
Yes. And because of that we were all payed very little. But it was a good opportunity for me to try new things and prove myself that I can play all kinds of roles. As an actor, I think that was the biggest hit for me.
7. What was the most difficult while shooting the film?
The character I'm playing has a bipolar personality and outlook on things. It was like playing two characters. My character believes he didn't commit the murder, while he actually did. His mindset is completely different from his actions, so I had to be careful not to show off any signs that he (the character) is 100% innocent as I had to also show that bipolar side of him. It was very difficult to control and balance out the two sides.
The character I'm playing has a bipolar personality and outlook on things. It was like playing two characters. My character believes he didn't commit the murder, while he actually did. His mindset is completely different from his actions, so I had to be careful not to show off any signs that he (the character) is 100% innocent as I had to also show that bipolar side of him. It was very difficult to control and balance out the two sides.
8. I heard that things have changed a lot for you?
I don't really care all that much about my looks now. It's most likely because my coordinators and hair designers do pretty much everything for me. I'm trying to perfect myself as an actor. I guess caring too much about your looks lessens the chance of that.
I don't really care all that much about my looks now. It's most likely because my coordinators and hair designers do pretty much everything for me. I'm trying to perfect myself as an actor. I guess caring too much about your looks lessens the chance of that.
9. What is your goal this year?
I'm trying to get over all the obstacles that get in my way in acting.
I'm trying to get over all the obstacles that get in my way in acting.
10. You're claustrophobic?
Yeah. When we were recording the OST for "Beethoven Virus," it was hard for me to be in the recording room for a long time. It just so small in there. So I drank before I did the recordings.
Yeah. When we were recording the OST for "Beethoven Virus," it was hard for me to be in the recording room for a long time. It just so small in there. So I drank before I did the recordings.
11. Do you have a girlfriend? How many relationships have you been in?
No, although I'd like to. I've loved two women in my life. One relationship lasted for about four years and a half, the other lasted about three years. I even dated when I was in high school. My type would be women like Jun In-hwa. I like benevolent and calm women.
No, although I'd like to. I've loved two women in my life. One relationship lasted for about four years and a half, the other lasted about three years. I even dated when I was in high school. My type would be women like Jun In-hwa. I like benevolent and calm women.
12. You've worked with Jung Jin-young. How was that?
While filming "Murder," he didn't approach me like I was some fresh faced actor, but as a genuine friend and co-worker. He has such a dedicated passion for acting, it's more like an obsession. I want that kind of passion. Even off camera, he continues to strive for better performance. I still keep Jin-young sunbae's advices close to heart. They will be useful later on in the future.
While filming "Murder," he didn't approach me like I was some fresh faced actor, but as a genuine friend and co-worker. He has such a dedicated passion for acting, it's more like an obsession. I want that kind of passion. Even off camera, he continues to strive for better performance. I still keep Jin-young sunbae's advices close to heart. They will be useful later on in the future.
Source : allkpop + lovesears @ blogspot
(ChunRu : karena terlalu panjang artikelnya, aku kasih summary aja yah chingu.. Mian.. Tapi kalo chingu merasa perlu ditranslate ke Indonesia, silakan tinggalin comment di bawah.. ^^)
Summary :
Jang Keun Suk diwawancarai di kampusnya..
1. Guru akting terkenal, Choi Hyung-In, dari Universitas Hanyang memuji Jang Keun Suk dalam perannya di Hwang Jin-Yi.
2. Jang Keun Suk berhenti clubbing. Akan tetapi, dia diberi "private place", yang dia gunakan untuk berpesta di sana..
3. Jang Keun Suk bergolongan darah A.
4. Jang Keun Suk ditanyai tentang persaingan Iris dan You're Beautiful. Tapi, dia mempunyai keyakinan pada You're Beautiful.
5. Peran Jang Keun Suk di Itaewon, 99% menggunakan bahasa Inggris, Dia mengatakan bahwa dia kurang percaya diri pada saat itu akan tetapi dia merasa enjoy saat membaca script film tersebut.
6. Walaupun Jang Keun Suk hanya dibayar sedikit untuk peran di Itaewon, namun dia merasa senang karena bisa membawakan peran yang berbeda-beda.
7. Jang Keun Suk mengatakan bahwa bagian tersulit dari syuting film Itaewon adalah untuk menggambarkan perannya yang berkepribadian ganda.
8. Jang Keun Suk tidak berpikir terlalu banyak mengenai penampilannya sekarang, karena dia percaya pada koordinator dan penata rambutnya.
9. Tahun itu Jang Keun Suk ingin menghilangkan rintangan yang bisa menghalangi aktingnya.
10. Jang Keun Suk ada phobia, yaitu claustrophobic.
11. Dia tidak punya pacar saat ini.
12. Jang Keun Suk menjelaskan kerjasamanya dengan Jung Jin-Young.
is it really him? jang geun suk? hehe.. so? u do speack english? i dnt really watch korean muvies but i just finished watching "you r beautiful" today..^^ its gud! its the 1st korean muvie that i love like crazy...^^... haha u look great... super cute... N dnt worry... I think this muvie is better than "Iris". haha.... hope u come to visit this site.... work hard ^^....