ChunRu : Postingan ini bener2 panjang!! o.O Aku sendiri belum semper baca habis.. Tapi ceritanya bener2 keren! Chingu mesti baca.. Kalo ada waktu, bakal ditranslate ntar... ^^
Tentang Fan Sign
Tentang Fan Sign
i managed to go to his fan sign. we have waited for a long long long time and there was a big fall so i got abit of rain. but it s worth it. As when he saw me walking towards him on the stage, he was like very very touch and said 'oh oh1' and reached out his both hands to shake my hands. abd he ask me i speak english and i watch his drama. and i said ya ya ya. and he asked you like it. and i said ya ya i like it alot then he signed my post card whicg some friends of mine bought for me and he ask my name is aili and my friend said yes and he keeps on looking at me and not my friend who helpped me up the stage and i was really paiseh man as he should talk to her too but he keeps on talking to me and looking at me and smiling at me, i was like in wonderland as he is very friendly and smiley and not scare of me who is a disabled girl. and i saw some eels there like daily tofu and hannah who came to sAy hi to me i was really touched actually
And i was quite surprise that jks actuaully reached out his both hands again to shake my hand when i wwas gg off the stage. and 1st time hand shake he actually grabbed my hand after shaking my hand for awhile and give me that killer smile and i was like gg to faint on spot as i never expect he can be so touch when he saw me and keep talking to me. but i dont think he can hear me as i cant speak properly. actually wanted to say that you are too thin so eat more but i doubt that he can understand me.,,,
i am so happy to see him and know that he s actually not scared of me and vvvv friendly too. i think he s vvv professional as he smiled for about 1 hr but he s still smiling very sincerely.. this i m vvv impressed with him... and his attitude towards his fans is vvvv good and sincere.. omg how can he be so perfect not only good looking but with a sincere and good heart...
So i want to thank a bunch of friends who have helpped me to get this cchance to meet him. and there are times that i really want to bAck off but you all keep encouraging me. so thanks a million times. without u all i will not be able to meet jks and know that he is a nice guy..
cant wait for tomorrow's fm will see his performance.
and he can really speak english quite well
Too bad nvr took pics of him
aiya i nvr tell him that i like his voice yesterday's fan sign. think today no more chance to talk to him. At that time i could only say yayaya As he kept asking me questions....
too bad but i was too nervous at that time tt i was like when he reached out his hands to me the second time i didnt know it until my friend grabbed my hand to him then i saw his hands reaching out to me. i tout he should be shaking my friend's hand. luckily my friend s very good as she dont mind it. i am grAteful to her.
And luckily he never stood up to hug me. if not i ll faint for sure.
adding again:
oh ya now i know y he suddenly grabbed my hand after shaking it. i think he s trying to let me know that he appreciate that i go there and support him ba. and his grab mAke me feel less nervous ba...
and he really gv me a feeling that he appreciate every of his eels that s wat is so great of him,,,
Tentang SG FM
Actually today at the fm is quite disappointing but not with jks but with the organizer for the seating arrangement as
my friend had already told the organizer about my condition And they have said that they will arrange a special seating for me and my friend but no lo we were brought to e 6th row and behind the official members seating but my friend and i also his official members too. i am nor wanting to get is attention but i simply cant stand up and there were times that the front people stood and i cant see at all.... and my height is very short so even i stood up i cant see a thing too exceob the screen and sometime cant even see the screen lo. but the front people saw me got moved abit la but still cant see well. I mean if the organizer cant arrange it, they shouldnt have told us they will arrange...
Korean fans are precious then we local fans not anything la, i mean the organizer not jks ya. i mean we are also hisw official members lo,,, but why vip only at 6th row and the normal 1 is just 1 row behind. and the seat is pretty low so i really cant see tt well but my friend is worst lo as in front of her got three pig rabbit blockung lo so she is very good to let me sit at the corneqr there which can at least see clearer ba..... but most of the time i had to see the screen.
ok finish with the complaining. come back to jks. wow..... he is truely very very good in singing. to me he is a singer as not many ppl can sing it until it touches my heart. i really love his voice and his cute cute actions... he is a very good entertainer who know how to entertain us. and he is very smart too as he just knows how to pull and let go the kite meaning he know how to lure us and let us wanting more of him......
but he s a vvvv hardworking guy as when he shows us vids of his dance practising i was soengross with his eyes expression as he s vvv serious. ppl say serious guys are the most attractive. now then i really agree with it as it shows in jks. i have nvr had a bf but i think of all the guys i see he is the most attractive 1 to me and really change my way of thinking of younger guys. as to me younger guys are very childish but he s not he can act cute but to me he is very mature through the way he speaks and treats his fans,,,,,
And he is very sexy when he dances. his body is really flexible and his body figure is better than most of the girls which i envy la.s
to me he no need to be like any1 like rain or jay chow just be himself can already,, even if he set target he no need to be no. 1 in asia we all also like him... as his acting and singing is the things that we love,,, and his attitude towards his fans. can really see that he really appreciate his fans.....
even though there is some disappointment at todays fm... but after all it is a very very very good experience for me, as i get to see and hear my idol singing which i really love it esp the 'goodbue' sonh oh his voice his voice is not perfect but touches my heart.
and when i was waiting to go in the auditorium i heard him rehearsaling his songs i was like wow his voice his voice is so so good live. i know i am vias but really it made me really happy to hear him sing live, i font think he saw me today but it s ok de as all i want is jus see his performance.
and furthermore i nvr took out my hp when the mc asked us to take out as i am sure tt it is not gg to be me,,, as i had that fan sign experience is good enough i should be contented....
but the 1st call that jks made is wrong call. poor girl she just slipped a chance to sing with jks and hug him.....
but that 2nd girl was really lucky, i was not envy of her actually i was really laughing at jks how he jumps to the girl smd hugged her. it was really very funny sia,
and there are parts that i think it is unnecessary to show us the seoul fm vids as we have seen s wat i think
la i want to see him more but they keep showing us the vids makes me so bored. i know he need times to change.... so i can understand...
and it is vvv funny tt some1 wrote on the fan question msg that lee hong ki is vvv fat and his pant is very tight sia but i think it is his made up ba but he s very very cute that he keeps the msg in his pocket. hahaha...
and he s so funny lo he said lee hong ki cant dance again.... i was like luckily i am not his friend if not my secret will be revealed no just joking. oh ya someone wrote that will you marry me? and he s like laughing real hard and he continues reading it said just kidding, he laughs more loud hahaha he s so real and true and so cute....
and he said tt he like shopping so the mc introduce 1 place orchard lane or dont knw wat laa level 3 and he said he will go shopping and will get a girlftriend in sg hhahaha definitely not me as i cant go shopping de so you got 1 less competitive and i have no nice neck line so ,,, hahahaha....
At least i made it till the end , this will be my 1st and maybe the last event to go after idol. even though quite sad to say this la i thiink it is vvv dangerous for me to be there as at e end at e second encore i almost fell down as we were walking out after e 1st encore ends and when jks said he want to sing another song. every1 is rushing back and pushed here and there, i was lucky tt got some of my friends and other eels are shielding me if not i will become carpet lo.. and all of them clouded at the front i cant even see the last encore.,,, i just sit n waited for it to end lo...
i was quite angry that time lo i know they all wanted to see jks but also must see who is besifeu ma cant just push here and there. if i fwll down then jks will be in trouble so for his sake i think i better dont go to his events if there is la i will see online de ba.... i think jus see him once is enough already... and to show him i supporting him s really enough liao la....
i am really really thankful to my friend who has been with me throughout the event as today it has been hard for her to take me to toilet two times And she missed sm parts of fm and she even helped me to go more front to see jks sexy dance as all the front ppl are standing up. and the 1st encote too.... so tt s y i said the organizer s nt vvv sincere in helping me.... but at the fan sign better as they agreed to let me go last.and let me sit at e front... but i dont understand why in fm they didnt arrange properly le....
After all i will never forget he grabbed my hand at the fan sign for awhile and appreciate me as his fan i will continue to support him as long as he is in the entertainment industry.
Credit : aili81 @ soompi
Credit : aili81 @ soompi
Bener2 fan account yang b^^d
BalasHapusBikin aku merinding, n pengen acungin two thumbs up buat aili!!
Bisa bener2 ngerasain gugupnya aili waktu dijabat tangannya ama oppa.. N bisa ngerti semua hal yang aili rasakan..