Translated by Muse... *hugs*
TreeJ wanna proceed the Encore FM in Korea, the last FM of Asia Tour!!!
So.. they want to predict how many eels will come to the FM..
Please read the followings.. ^^
행사명 : 2010 장근석 아시아 투어 인 서울
Event : 2010 JangKeunsuk Asia Tour in Seoul
행사일시 2010년 8월 중 (예정)
Event Schedule : In August 2010 (due month)
가신청기간 : 2010년 6월4일~6월13일까지
Pre-application date : 4th June ~ 13th June 2010
가신청방법 : 공식홈페이지->프리보드->서울팬미팅 가신청란에 비밀댓글로 작성
Method of pre-application : free board -> Seoul FanMeeting preapplication notice (write a secret comment on it)
the following is the notice which you should write your comment on it :
가신청양식 : 특별한 양식 없음(1인1개씩 비밀댓글 작성요망)
Format : no special format (just one SECRET comment per one ID)
PS: this is not the real seat application, just for counting and settling the number of seats of the encore FM.. So.. write your comment like these..
"I will attend the encore FM" or "I want to get a ticket" or "I will definitely go!!!" hahaah~~
Untuk yg berminat pergi dan bisa pergi ke Seoul Encore FM, coba ke cri J sekarang... ^.^
Mereka lagi ngitung berapa orang yg mau pergi supaya mereka bisa perkirakan tempat dan berapa tempat duduknya. Fan Meeting nya bakal kira2 bulan Agustus.
Click aja di sini:
Di bawah, tinggalkan pesan rahasia (contreng box secret nya yah). Tulis "I will go to Seoul Encore FM" aja cukup kog. Boleh tinggalin pesen ini sampe tanggal 13 Juni aja yah.
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_________________^
Barusan Sukkie online di Cri J. Ga tulis pesen apa2 sih, cuma chat ama fans aja. Sepertinya dia curhat soal Seoul FM Agustus ini. *musti tanya Muse dia bilang apa.. (^^') Tapiiii, dia ada bilang kalo ada 10,000 eels dateng ke Seoul FM ini, dia bakal tear his whole clothes off! ^o^
Hahahahaha... *imajinasi tinggi* :P
BalasHapusAku ada minat, but GA BISA pergi.. Ga masuk hitungan deh.. hahaha..