Please do not repost without proper credit!!!
Title : Merry Christmas~
I'm Keun Suk
Today is Christmas cri....hehehe
I met up with hyungs from school which I haven't done for a long time and talking with them, I realised that 'Christmas' starts with 'Cri' (in Korean, the first 2 syllables for 'christmas' is written exactly the same way as 'cri')
I laughed til my stomach hurted for 30 minutes. Christmas cri cri
It seems that today it isnt going to snow...heukheuk (sobbing sound)
How is everyone planning to spend today?
It seems that Suk is going watch a Christmas movie like Love Actually or Home Alone and write letters with family and decorate a tree^^
Of course that's a lie cri... uhahaha
I'm going to go out today and cri cri cri kekeke
Even thought I've been spending the end of the year concentrating only on preparing for the fan meeting for a day like this, I'm also going to rest without thinking about anything cri cri ^^
Everyone have a warm christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Today I'm going to become Santa and provide a hot topic for everyone
Eels, come and bite on the bait~~
(the word he uses here is "떡밥" which has a double meaning... it means a 'hot topic' in terms of korean internet colloquial language but in the literal sense of the word, it means a type of bait. So his first sentence can also read as "I'm becoming Santa and throwing out the bait to everyone")
Fishing cri!
Bye cri^^
Full credits to : cecilia @ soompi
Credit : thx to lovesears @ blogspot
Summary :
Oppa bilang dia ketemu ama temen-temen lamanya n ngobrol ama mereka. Oppa bilang rasanya bakal turun salju hari itu.. N nanyain ke eels, mau ngapain aja natalan hari itu..
Oppa sendiri bakal keluar rumah hari itu.. Setelah oppa udah habiskan akhir tahun untuk persiapkan FM (Fan Meeting), oppa pengen hari natal itu nggak mikir apa-apa alias istirahat.. :p
Oppa ngucapin Merry Christmas buat eels n oppa bakal jadi santa yang ngasih umpan ke eels..
krang ngrtii nih chingu klauu pke bhsa inggris,,bsa d translate k bhsa indonesia gg??
BalasHapusspya bca agk lbih jlz gtuu,,,
bhsa inggriskuu msih blm mntepp,,jdii agk ssh ngartiinx..
plizz yaq chingu,,
Kalo messagenya secara keseluruhan ditranslate ke bahasa indonesia, takutnya jadi kurang menarik lagi..
BalasHapusMisal : untuk kata "I", kita mau indonesiakan jadi "aku", "aq", ato "gue"? Nah, pertimbangan itulah yang bikin aku ragu..
Jadi, mungkin habis ini, semua keterangan untuk message oppa, bakal aku tulis dalam bahasa indonesia. N masing2 message, aku kasih summary dalam bahasa indonesia.. :)
Tapi, aku memang masih butuh waktu..
Waiting for me yah chingu..
Thx.. :)