Please do not repost without proper credit!!!
Title: Immediate Comparison!
Today the picture to be shown is....
The dining table comparison of HulRang and me..
* 헐랭(HulRang) is one of his manager
Because of diet menu planning started from today at last
I'm eating sea mustard soup of sea mustard + water + garlic + perilla oil (as small as bean) without seasoning and salt.
* 미역 : sea mustard (in Korea we usually eat this seaweed soup. It is said that this seaweed helps to clean our blood.)
I'll fight and beat my enemy-like manager..
The key of Actor Jang's diet menu
Never ever absorb the food with sodium or natrium.
Never ever skip a meal and eat the food of tasteless.
(맡습니다 : it's actually "smell" but, I think he miss-typed it instead of 먹습니다. ㅠㅠ)
In addition, at the time of eating out I'm the one in trouble, so preparing a lunch box.
High-protein food ingredient is the main key! (without seasoning , eating tastelessly)
Impossible to drink liquor and soda.
Regular eating habits if possible.
And not-missing and regulated XX practice
HoHoHo What is XX?? Are U anxious to know it?
I don't wanna let you know Cri? HoHoHoHoHoh
For a while don't give me snack time!
Today no comments neither!
I have to order my wig to wear for tomorrow's BaekSang awards. WooHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa (Big laugh sound)
Full credit to : Muse @ JKS OFC
Credit : lovesears @ blogspot
Summary :
Oppa lagi diet.. Makan makanan tanpa garam.. Semuanya serba tawar..
Oppa juga kasih tau tips-tips dietnya..
N oppa juga bilang kalo dia udah order wig buat dipake ke BaekSang awards.. lol
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