Translation by hooyeedog @ sukbaidubar
Repost by Sears
Repost by Sears
I’m really touched by the lunch box that Tree J prepared for me!
I have to help Mu Gyul who only slept 1 hour in these two days to restore his vitality!
Cri-J eels. Thank you!! When on the move, I ate it too fast in the car
I hardly ate the “Merry Christmas” decoration...
So now let’s begin today's diary
Title is “The reality of Hallyu star”
Because there is no shooting today, I ran around for some business
On the way coming out from the office, it made my heart ache to see my car get dirty
So I decided to stop my car at the gas station
But the car wash by hand costs 25,000wons and by machine costs 3,000wons (while filling it up)
To tell you the truth, Gun Sama and I were distressed for 10 minutes
I said,”It seems that the car is consumables. Don’t over coddle it. Car wash by machine may only make you feel comfort, but I decided to value my money. ”
Gun Sama strongly opposed and said,” I pay the fee of car wash by hand, so let’s do it by hands. ”
After I hesitated for 10 minutes, Gun Sama took out 25,000wons from his pocket for car wash in the end.
The look of Hallyu star, who was troubled in not willing to spend 25,000wons at the gas station, was really funny
I was teased by Gun Sama
But it doesn’t matter. At least I saved 25,000wons.
Ha kekekekekke
And when I came back to my office, so many Christmas gifts were sent here
The packages were delivered every 10 minutes by express
Suni’s clothes have already been up to over 50 pieces
Ah, what a warm day!
But tomorrow I have to begin to work my butt off………………………………
Please don’t fall ill until the end. Fighting!!
Today’s diary ends here.
Indonesian Translation
by Annies eels
Title : Diari Hari Ini
Aku bener-bener tersentuh sama kotak makan siang yang disiapin Tree J buat aku!
Aku harus nolong Mu Gyul yang cuma tidur 1 jam selama dua hari ini untuk ngembaliin tenaganya!
Cri-J eels. Makasih!! Ketika di perjalanan. aku makan itu cepet-cepet di mobil!
Aku sampe susah makan hiasan "Merry Chrismast" ...
Nah sekarang kita mulai diari hari ini
Judulnya "Kenyataan dari seorang bintang Hallyu"
Karna ga ada syuting hari ini, aku kesana kemari untuk beberapa urusan.
Diperjalanan keluar dari kantor, hatiku sakit pas ngeliat mobilku kotor
Jadi aku mutusin wat berhentiin mobilku di pom bensin
Tapi harga cuci mobil sendiri won, dan yang pake mesin harganya 3000 won (pas lagi ngisi bensin) [maksudnya 30,000 won kali yah ?]
Aku kasih tau nih yang sebenernya, aku sama Gun sama sempet tertekan selama 10 menit
Aku bilang " Kayaknya ni mobil abis, jangan terlalu dimanjain, cuci mobil pake mesin emank bikin nyaman, tapi aku mutusin untuk ngehargain uangku."
Gun sama nentang n bilang "Aku bayarin cuci mobilnya wat yg cuci sendiri, jadi ayo cuci mobilnya sendiri".
Setelah aku ragu-ragu selama 10 menit, Gun sama ambil uang 25.000 won dari dompetnya untuk bayar cuci mobil.
Tampilan dari seorang bintang Hallyu, yang bermasalah dengan tidak mau menghabiskan 25.000 won di pom bensin, bener-bener lucu
Aku diejek sama Gun Sama
Tapi itu ga masalah, paling ga aku nyimpen 25,000 won
Ha kekekekekke
Trus pas aku balik ke kantorku, banyak banget hadiah natal yang dikirim buatku
Paket-paket itu dikirim setiap 10 menit dengan kilat
baju-baju Suni udah jadi lebih dari 50 buah
Ah, hari yang sangat hangat!
Tapi mulai besok aku udah mulai kerja lagi .............................
Semoga ga jatuh sakit sampai akhir. Fighting!!
Diari hari ini, berakhir disini
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.