Translate into English by hooyeedog @ Suk_Baidubar
Title : Ah Ha
Today I have plenty of time, and I'm in a good mood as well. So I wrote another diary.
I haven’t seen Suni for almost 10 days.
This kid has filled out a lot… Is it because of the clothes? But she still can't hide her protruding waist even without clothes…
I was shocked and said,“Especially with that coat on, she looks as if she's wearing whichever old granny's clothes.”
Suni opened her mouth and it seems that she was answering with pride, “Ah...This is my Christmas tree clothing.”... Does she look like a caterpillar?
Never have I seen such a tree, no matter where. Only me could imagine that is the clothing which even grandma doesn't want?
Ah...................and .............................
I ripped off Gun Sama.................................
Since I have a good relationship with him, as a Christmas gift, I will buy him a suit................
After that, I’ll be broke again
Indonesian Translation
by Annies eels
Indonesian Translation
by Annies eels
Judul : Ah Ha
Hari ini aku punya cukup waktu luang, n mood ku lagi bagus. Jadi aku nulis diari yang lain
Aku belum liat Suni selama hampir 10 hari.
Dia keliatan berisi ... apa gara-gara bajunya ya ? tapi dia tetep ga bisa sembunyiin pinggangnya yang menonjol bahkan pas ga pake baju
Aku kaget n bilang "apalagi pas pake mantel itu, dia keliatan kayak lagi pake baju nenek-nenek." [hahaha LOL]
Suni buka mulutnya, n itu dia keliatan lagi menjawab dengan bangga, "Ah .. ini baju pohon natal ku" ... Apa dia keliatan kayak ulet ? [yea emank keliatan kyak ulet keket kekekeke XD]
Belum pernah aku liat baju yang motif pohon, di mana pun. Cuma aku bisa bayangin itu baju yang bahkan nenek-nenek ga mau [pake] ?
Ah...................trus .............................
Aku ngerobek punya Gun Sama................................. [rada ga ngerti nih maksudnya apa ^^!]
Karna aku punya hubungan yang baik sama dia, buat hadiah natal, aku bakalan beliin dia jas
Abis itu akan aku rusakin lagi
Sorry I found that I have made a big mistake
BalasHapusPlease correct it
I haven’t seen Suni for almost 10 days.
It's ten days not ten years. Haha. Sorry for that.
Sorry I found that I have made a big mistake
BalasHapusPlease correct it
I haven’t seen Suni for almost 10 days.
It's ten days not ten years. Haha. Sorry for that.
Thx for correcting us.. :)