Credits Baidu and lovesears @ blogspot
English Translation by SS Serene
English Translation by SS Serene
Title : Now I'm In Taiwan
I am doing a facial with some weird white colour mask.
And my hair is completely covered with hair conditioner.
Yet I have taken photos in this situation, but the problem is I don't have the data cable to transfer….
Firstly, (Still have to continue) while I am doing those treatments, there is some free time to go to DJ station?
Jang Keun Suk - being the first mysterious actor to have a DJ station that can reach not only in Korea, but also the whole world!!!
Everyone Come on!!!!!!!!!!!
Psycho_J :
Oh, what's .. why Nobody's coming ... ㅠ ㅠ
And my hair is completely covered with hair conditioner.
Yet I have taken photos in this situation, but the problem is I don't have the data cable to transfer….
Firstly, (Still have to continue) while I am doing those treatments, there is some free time to go to DJ station?
Jang Keun Suk - being the first mysterious actor to have a DJ station that can reach not only in Korea, but also the whole world!!!
Everyone Come on!!!!!!!!!!!
Psycho_J :
Oh, what's .. why Nobody's coming ... ㅠ ㅠ
Indonesian Translation
by Annies
Indonesian Translation
by Annies
Title : Aku di Taiwan sekarang
Aku lagi facial pake masker aneh berwarna putih
Dan rambutku sedang dipakein kondisioner
Tapi aku sempat mengabadikan momen ini, masalahnya aku ga punya kabel data buat mindahin ke komputer...
Yang pertama (masih ada lanjutannya) sementara aku melakukan perawatan,apa kalian ada waktu untuk DJ Station ??
Jang Keun Suk - menjadi aktor misterius pertama yang punya siaran radio DJ Station yang mampu menjangkau semua pendengar bukan hanya di Korea saja, tetapi juga seluruh dunia!!!
Ayo gabung !!!!!!
Oh, kenapa nih? .. kenapa ga ada yang datang... ㅠ ㅠ
wah siapa nih yg benerin translatan .. hehehe gomaweo ^^
BalasHapuswhere do you get Jang Geun Suk's blogs????